10 Instagram Accounts that Bring me JOY!
It’s officially December now, which means no more shade-throwing at all of the Christmas lovers. Bring on all of the holiday music, green and red everything, and gold glitter everywhere for absolutely no reason at all.
It’s a season full of hope + joy.
But, this year feels a little different for me personally. With our home renovations underway, we weren’t able to setup Christmas at our home during Thanksgiving week like we normally do. This was also the first time in six years we didn’t spend Thanksgiving with our girl because we traveled to Wyoming to visit my hubby’s last remaining grandparent.
It doesn’t help that it’s a cool 5000 degrees in Texas, so there definitely won’t be a white Christmas over here.
Even still, despite how I feel (or how it feels outside), I can rest in the arms of Joy. He is the source. He is love, peace, hope, and grace. And He resides in me. This means I can tap into joy anytime I “feel” depressed, anxious, or discouraged.
The word “JOY” can be found hundreds of times in the Bible. The Father longs for us to experience joy...and not just a little bit. He wants us to experience it in abundance!
When Biblical writers talk about joy, they use words like overflowing, ecstatic, bursting and exploding. There’s nothing containable or stagnant when it comes to the joy of the Lord.
It’s contagious. And it’s refreshing.
How could I be silent when it’s time to praise you? Now my heart sings out loud, bursting with joy— a bliss inside that keeps me singing, “I can never thank you enough!”
Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.
The Word says that we can usher in joy by shouting, jumping, and praising God. This means that even in the midst of the hardest season and even through tears, if we smile and jump around, JOY will enter the room. (See: Psalm 9:2, 13:6, 20:5, 28:7, 34:5.) We can offer Him a sacrifice of praise even when life gets hard and we don’t understand why our prayers are left unanswered. (Hebrews 13:15)
I just have to let you know that this post follows none of the rules. I get exactly $0 for posting about these accounts. There are no collaborations in the works. None of the people listed below know I’m posting about this. I honestly just wanted to share some of the accounts that remind me of my source of JOY every single day. The ones who continually point me back to Jesus and set my eyes back on Him.
To follow any of these ten accounts on Instagram, click on the name at the top of each section with the @ sign. Your future self will thank you. I promise.
christiNe caine
You only need to listen to one of her sermons to understand the power this lady holds in her words. Christine preached one of my top three favorite sermons of all time and I go back to it over and over again. If you’re curious, this sermon by Robert Madu is also in my top 3. Please give it a listen!
You can’t pour into others if you don’t let God pour into you. You can’t run on empty. You can’t give what you don’t have. We were never called to do this in our own strength. We need supernatural empowerment from a supernatural God to fulfill a supernatural calling.
- Christine Caine
moms in the making®
If you’ve been around for a while, you know how precious this ministry is to me. These women have made a huge impact on my life over the last year and a half. The seeds they’ve planted in my heart have sprouted eternal fruit that other women are feasting on now. I can never thank them enough. Founder, Caroline Harries, runs @trustinginduetime over on Instagram and she exudes hope and joy like none other.
You can read about my 2018 MiTM Conference recap HERE and the 2019 recap HERE. The 2020 MiTM Conference tickets are officially on sale now and I hope to see you there next October!
melissa forster
This girl brings me joy every time her name or face graces my phone. I can always count on her to offer faith-filled prayers, encouragement when I’m down, or the best book recommendations if I feel like stacking up a few more on my shelf. Her blog posts crack me up and reveal new facets of the Father’s heart to me all at the same time. She is full of life and joy and all the good things. You can read her testimony HERE from my recent series entitled, “Our Testimonies.”
Everything God has is mine. Everything. There isn’t one thing He will hold back from me. If God promises to do abundantly more, how can I continue to believe that He will run out? Not only will God not run out, however He will do more than I can ever dream. It’s time to stop acting like orphans and to start truly living as sons and daughters of God (2 Corinthians 2:18). It’s time to let the light shine in the dark places of our heart that we’d rather hide. Darkness has no place in our hearts.
- Melissa Forster
evie rupp
I stumbled across this Instagram account a few months ago and I’m so glad I did! Evie (pronounced “evvveeee”) may be a young entrepreneur, but she is wise beyond her years. She is a photographer, a teacher, an insanely gifted singer, a podcaster, a hilarious dancer, and a new dog mom. But the thing I love about Evie more than anything else is how JOY just radiates out of every cell of her body. She is pure joy and loves Jesus with her whole heart. It’s so refreshing to see.
You know how we’re always waiting to get “there”??
When I get “there” I’ll be happy!
When I get “THERE” I’ll be satisfied!
When I get “there” I’ll feel good enough.
The list goes on and on. We want to be ”there” and we’re dissatisfied with “here.” We can’t wait to get away from “here.” But there’s a VERY tricky thing about “there.”
Because when you get “there” you’re “here” again. And suddenly there’s another “there” that you’re working towards.We’re CHOOSING to be dissatisfied where we are - always looking forward, for MORE, for something new, exciting, or fulfilling. We’re almost waiting for joy to happen. We’re letting our circumstances define our joy.
But that’s one of the most damaging things we can possibly do. when we CHOOSE joy - regardless of circumstances... when we CHOOSE to be present, exactly where we are... when we CHOOSE to find the beauty in whatever season we’re in... life will completely change.
- Evie Rupp
Brooke ligertwood
I’ve already mentioned two of my top three sermons in this post and Ms. Brooke holds number three! Her posts on Insta are always encouraging and HILARIOUS. She’s my favorite Ausie (besides Taya) and she reflects the face of Jesus so well. She doesn’t have very many sermons posted yet, but the ones that are available are fire!!
People aren't problems to be fixed. People are people, for us to walk alongside and journey with and help pick up the pieces with and, when they drop them again, to get back down and help them pick them up again. And that's real love - without condition and without expectation.
- Brooke Ligertwood
christie michal
I went to college with this gem and her friendship has blessed me so much for almost two decades. She is the real deal, y’all. Precious, hilarious, joyful, and on a mission to see people around her come to know Jesus. She’s been a missionary in Hungary and a few other countries since we finished college and while I miss her, I know that’s exactly where she’s supposed to be. She loves homeless people with a 1 John 3:18 kind love - love in action.
I recently stumbled across an old Facebook post from Christie that read, “I miss your thumbs. Post a pic? ;) Love you.” And THIS is why I love her. She accepts me for who I am - weird thumbs and all. haha
kris vallotton
Kris Vallotton is like a father to me and he doesn’t even know it. His teaching and shepherding have spoken so much truth into my life. His podcast, books, and sermons convict me and bless me every time I take the time to listen.
Fear is the most socially accepted sin in the Church. Fear is a serial killer, the prime suspect in the death of more people on the planet than all other diseases combined. Fear in every form has been linked to heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disorders, mental illness and many other sicknesses. Fear is the welcome mat to demonic activity in our lives.
- Kris Vallotton
chelsey dematteis
I met this sweet girl through some Jesus hashtags on Insta and she’s been blessing my feed and my heart ever since. Chelsey is a fellow faith blogger and she runs a weekly podcast. She’s running a super fun Christmas giveaway right now and I was able to donate to the “blessing box” she’ll gift to the winner on Christmas morning. You can learn more about that HERE! She’s also hosting “The Christmas Shop” on her blog and you should absolutely check out the cute vendors!
Don’t join another thing to feel like you belong. Rest in knowing you belong to the One who calls you His.
- Chelsey DeMatteis
andrew wommack
Much like Kris Vallotton (above), Andrew Wommack’s teachings convict me in the best ways every single day. With his intense southern drawl and his simple messages, anyone can understand his teaching, but not everyone will put them into action. His books and podcast(s) are full of life-giving messages, bathed in scripture.
If you pray, “Oh God, please have mercy. Don’t pour out Your wrath!” you have just pushed the Lord aside and declared, “Jesus, I know You atoned for us and that You dealt with sin. The Word says that You are the only mediator, but I think I can help. It’s also going to take my pleading and interceding to make things right!” You’re trying to add to what Jesus has already done! Jesus + anything = nothing. Jesus + nothing = everything. By attempting to intercede the way Abraham and Moses did, the way others in the Old Testament did, you aren’t esteeming what Christ has done and you’re trying to become a mediator.
- Andrew Wommack
sara hagerty
Sara posts every single morning around 6:30 AM CT. It’s just in time for me to check my phone before a new day rushes in with all of its demands and challenges. Using scripture and leading from the Holy Spirit, Sara reminds me of the truth of who God is and who I am in His eyes every morning.
Some of my favorite posts of hers include: “You are He who satisfies abundantly,” “You are Healer,” and “You are the God who uses pain to produce hope.”
I’ve also read her books and they are absolutely worth your time.
So, there you have it, friends. Ten Instagram accounts that are worth hitting that “follow” button. I’d love to know what your ten would be. Which accounts bring YOU joy?
Merry almost Christmas, y’all!
I’m so glad you’re here, friend. I’m not sure how you found this post, but I continue to be amazed by the internets. It brings us together in such beautiful ways and reminds us that we’re more alike than different. More united than divided. Whether you spend a minute or an hour on this page, know that Jesus loves you like crazy. Like CRAZY. I’d love to hear how I can pray for you. Would you let me know here?